They say that there are 2 things in life that are certain: death & taxes. I can help prolong your life by easing the annual stress of "tax pain." I offer personal income tax preparation, starting at: $80/individual -- $150/couple for basic returns [2 slips or less].
** Please contact me directly for T2 Corporate Income Tax or US filings. **
New temporary flat rate method
The new temporary flat rate method simplifies the home office expense claim allowing individuals who worked more than 50% of the time from home for a period of at least four consecutive weeks in 2022 due to the COVID-19 pandemic without needing to retain form T2200; having to calculate % of use or keep supporting documents.
The temporary flat rate method allows a claim of $2 for each day worked from home during 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The maximum you can claim using the new temporary flat rate method is $500 (250 working days) per individual.
Multiple individuals each working the same residence are each entitled to make their own claim; not limited to 1 claim per household.
If you wish to claim more that the maximum allowable under the flat rate method the CRA has further simplified the standard detailed workspace-in-home process by creating new forms T2200S and T777S for working at home due to COVID-19.
I require all my income tax clients to sign CRA authorizations, annual Engagement Letters confirming that they have provided complete information necessary to prepare returns and outlining the scope of services offered as well as the T183 – Authorization to E-file form that is required by CRA.
* Starting at $150 (depending on complexity)
Please feel free to contact me regarding any of your accounting, bookkeeping or income tax needs.